Sunday, 21 March 2010

Earth Hour

Next Saturday, the 27th of March, is Earth Hour Day. My kids and I are participating for the third year and we're really looking forward to that day. We're already preparing for the day, buying candles and thinking about ways to use less electricity and alternative ways to produce electricity. I think it's about time we all got a bit more concious about our poor planet, because if we don't, what will there be left for our grandchildren???? And participating is SOOOO easy!!! Just turn off all your lights and electrical devices for one hour, the Earth Hour. This hour begins at 8.30 P.M. and ends at 9.30 P.M. no matter what time zone you're in. It's as simple as that!!!! Take a look at the international site to see if your country has joined the "darkness". *lol*

The Earth Hour is organized by WWF and this is what they say about Earth Hour on their official site:

March 27 2010
On this day at 8:30pm you will be able to simply, yet powerfully, demonstrate your Vote for Earth.
What is Earth Hour? 
It is the single biggest mass-climate action ever seen.

What does it involve?
Simply turning off your lights for 1 hour. Earth's hour.

Just register at The Earth Hour site and join the fun!

And while you're doing something great for our planet, why don't you have some fun as well? My kids and I play games by the candles and have snacks and really really have a great time!

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