Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Day 1

My kids left for Morocco yesterday morning. So far I'm doning ok. I'm glad my ex decided to spend a few days here first, because that way we all had a chance to get used to the situation. I felt very very sad yesterday when they left, so I decided to walk home from the bus station in Malaga. It's about 30 km, so I knew it would take me a while. I put on some music and started to walk... It took me 3 hours to get home! The sun was shining and it was about 35º C. I was quite deshidrated and exhausted when I got home and with blisters on my feet,...

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

And so they left..

This morning I took my kids to the bus station in Malaga, where their dad waited for them. My ex husband came to Spain 3 days ago to spend his vacation with the kids. At first, he planned to take them to Morocco the same day, but then he decided to spend a few days with them here first, so they would get to know each other again, because they have't spent much time together these past years. I think that was the right thing to do, because these past days the kids have had time to slowly bond with their dad again. My kids called me a few hours...

Saturday, 12 June 2010

So tired!

This week has been really busy, at least so far. I hope I can get plenty of rest this weekend, I really need that. On Monday morning I found about a workshop that was starting the same day and since I had a posibility to do participate I went ahead. So I spent Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings in class, studying how to start your own business. It was a really good workshop and I'm more determined than ever to start my own company once I finish my studies. My studies are going ok. I passed my first exam and currenty I'm studying Chapter...

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