Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Did you know, monkeys have 12 hairs at any one time??? Yes, that's true... And no, I'm not crazy... Just trying to get back to blogging seriously....

A walk in Malaga

Calle Larios Plaza de la Constitución Plaza de la Merced Tourists.... A tourist having his picture taken with Pablo Picasso, the world famous painter who was born in a house at this square. Plaza de la Victoria Plaza de la Victoria Calle de la Victoria La Alcazaba Plaza de la Merced Teatro Cervantes Plaza de la Merced Plaza de la Constitución Mercado...

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Raising Bilingual/Biracial Kids

Once again I've been too busy to be able to write this post on Monday so here it comes, a little late. Raising my children with several languages and cultures is something I'm really proud of. I think that having my kids with the man I chose at the time was a great choice, since that gave my kids a unique mixture that will make them special wherever...

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Dream Big For Africa

I'm sure you all have heard of Malaria, since it's one of the most famous diseases of the African continent. But do you know what it really is? This is some information I found at MedLinePlus: Malaria is a parasitic disease that involves high fevers, shaking chills, flu-like symptoms, and anemia. Malaria is caused by a parasite that is passed from one human to another by the bite of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. Malaria can also be transmitted from a mother to her unborn baby (congenitally) and by blood transfusions. After infection,...

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Oh no, not again!

Oh yes, unfortunatelly it's true, I've got a cold... Again! I think it's the third time this winter, so far.... It's really really cold here right now. The weather is ok around noon, you even see quite a lot of peple in short-sleeved t-shirts and shorts. But then around 5.30 - 6 PM it starts to get colder and colder. We've had several nights with temperatures below 5 degrees C. I know, it doesn't seem so cold, in northern Europe 5 degrees is nothing... But bare in mind that most houses here don't have any kind of heating system and the walls aren't...

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